How well are you managing your career?
Take this career management self-test
The following test will help you bring awareness as to what areas you need to improve upon (if any) in managing your career:
Have you updated your resume in the past year? Note: If you suddenly lost your job or found out about a great opportunity (but the deadline was in a day) you would be glad you did.
Do you keep track of major work accomplishments or projects? Things you really feel proud about?
Are you active on LinkedIn?
Is your LinkedIn profile up-to-date?
Does the information on your LinkedIn account match your resume?
Do you keep copies of your training and workshop certificates?
Do you keep copies of your performance reviews, thank yous, congratulatory emails, etc.?
Are you a member of any career-related professional organizations?
Are you involved with professional development activities on a regular basis (seminars, trainings, etc.)?
Do you participate in activities that will increase and strengthen your network connections?
Do you keep in contact with former coworkers and colleagues (via social media, emails, coffee, etc.)?
- Do you have a career back-up plan if you suddenly lost your job?
Congrats to all of the questions you answered "Yes." If you answered "No" to any of the above questions, then you've found areas that you can improve upon in managing your career.
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